
The Dynamic Bitset Class was originally for a leetcode question, where I wanted to experiment with BitMasks, something I hadn’t used before. And due to limitations I ran into, and lack of knowledge of the bitset class, I set out to make my own. And when I succeeded, my code was more efficient than C++’s standard library bitset class, because I had stored the bits in groups of 64bit integers.

Relevant Skills:

  • Dynamic Programming

  • Bitwise Programming

  • Optimization

This program was written to monitor the diagnostics of a game I was making with the Love2d engine. It is highly optimized to receive a constant flow of inputs. That, combined with the modularity of the datasets allows you to combine and easily compare multiple streams of information visually.

Relevant Skills:

  • Dynamic Programming

  • Optimization

My robotics teacher asked us to find a library for us to use for class, so I wrote my own and had it published to the arduino library index. Includes features for Buttons, LEDs, and Shift Registers

Relevant Skills:

  • Robotics

  • Bitwise Programming

This program was meant to simplify the dialogue of NPCs in an independent project I was working on. It uses a tree-like structure to handle dialogue with bindable events.

Relevant Skills:

  • Dynamic Programming

  • Modular Programming